“Esta en sus Manos” by Marta Maria Perez Bravo

An amazing photograph known as Esta en sus Manos was created in 1994 by Marta Maria Perez Bravo. This photograph at first sight was alarming but at the same time interesting. My focus was immediately directed to her face, her impaired vision, and slight nudity. The woman’s facial expression covered in blood and impaired vision creates a hopeless tone for this image. Her nudity emphasizes that she is in a raw vulnerable state with nothing to hide. The title, Esta en sus Manos, caught my attention because it means ‘it is in your hands’. At first glance, the connection between the title and the photograph seemed unclear, besides the fact that her hands are not visible. Although, the image was concerning at first, it still seem intriguing to examine the image’s main purpose.

Marta Maria Perez Bravo is known for her white and black artistic photography which differs from the typical photographer’s work. Artistic photography is also known as metaphoric photography which consist of exploring beliefs, emotions, desires, ideas and concepts that the artist aims to convey.  In most of  her work she often uses her own  body to  express her beliefs in Santeria, an Afro-Cuban religion. People who practice the Santeria religion believe that the divine exist in all things and each person is assigned an Orisha who has been connected to them since birth. An Orisha is a spirit sent by their higher power that guides them through life. A common ritual is  known as “Toque de Santo” in which believers dance and sing to invite an Orisha to possess one of their members. This ritual is conducted through offering of fruit and blood of sacred animals. Bravo’s work is also used to express themes such as femininity and motherhood. The female nude body used in her work is known to challenge and overlook the worshipping of sensual beauty. Ultimately, Bravo is a talented artist in expressing her culture and beliefs through her photography. 

Every image has a purpose. In this specific image it is clear that the photographer’s message was intended to target the power of femininity and religion. First and foremost, the title Esta en sus Manos is a common phrase used in spanish culture, to inform their higher power that they are dedicated to their religion and has faith in their guidance. Her face and arms are tilted upwards which is a common position when praying or singing to a divine power. The white cloth on her body represents purity, innocence and goodness. Her impaired vision symbolizes vulnerability and her faith in her gods. In other words, she has given them ultimate control over her life without hesitation. The blood on her face represents the blood of a sacred animal that is being offered to the Orisha to hopefully posses her. The exposed breast refers to her belief in femininity, her breast are not only for sexual desire but signifies purity. She is displaying herself in the exact same way she was brought into this world, vulnerable and innocent. Marta Maria Perez Bravo created an exceptional piece that at first glimpse seem like an act of hopelessness but in actuality capture’s her spiritual journey within the santeria religion.

“MARTA MARIA PEREZ BRAVO.” Theartdesignproject, www.theartdesignproject.com/marta-maria-perez-bravo.

“Marta María Pérez Bravo.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 24 June 2020, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marta_Mar%C3%ADa_P%C3%A9rez_Bravo.

2 thoughts on ““Esta en sus Manos” by Marta Maria Perez Bravo”

  1. What is that weird little thing on the top of her head that we see through the curtains? and are those cowrie shells on her eyes? Very strange and mystical photograph!

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