Annotated Bibliography on Ellen Gallagher

Samantha De Los Santos

Professor Lucy Gans 

Women in Art 

24 November 2020

Annotated Bibliography 

Below you will find a  list of courses related to the content in the presentation covering Ellen Gallagher’s background, biography and art pieces.

Fanny Drugeon, Dictionnaire universel des créatrices,, 2013.Print

  • This short excerpt published by AWARE; a french non-profit who base their site on highlighting the stories of women artists. AWARE stands for Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions, this site is run by women art curators and art historians. This page covered Gallgher’s background and named a few of her famous pieces along with major concepts that revolve around her work.

Bloomberg Quicktake, Painting Beyond Painting; Ellen Gallagher|Brilliant ideas Ep.10,, 2015.Video

  • This short film I watched where Ellen Gallgher was featured discussing her artwork, and some of her closest colleagues and art historians, who studied her work gave me much more of an intimate genuine understanding of her work and why she expresses her thoughts, emotions the way she does. Watching this film was almost like getting a behind the lens look of her day to day, even taking a glimpse of her art studio; which is such a vulnerable special place for her and many artists of her caliber. . 

Gagosian, Ellen Gallagher; 2019. Print 

  • This particular site from Gagosian, a famous International Gallery, having many open gallery locations, published this. I found this source to be incredibly useful due to its attachment to newly related press, news regarding Ellen Gallgher making my research much more easily accessible. Alongside locating open/current events, fairs and exhibitions contain her work or work like hers. Attaching press from Financial Times, WSJ, Art Forum and The Economist. It relayed me to other credible sources which I appreciated.

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